
Psychoanalytical References

The Committee on Research Education (CORE) of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) wishes to remind everyone of the availability of a searchable database of research articles through the following link:

Comprehensive Bibliography of Psychoanalytic Research Reviews/Studies

This is a comprehensive (though not exhaustive) bibliography of research reviews and studies that are applicable to psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. It can be used as a resource for literature reviews and for the teaching of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic principles and techniques.

You can search for references by any term in the reference, for example, author, year, journal, keywords in the title, etc. References may be sorted by topic, year, or first author.

If you wish to download more reference lists, please click on the links below:

Neuro-Psychoanalysis Resources

Psychoanalysis and Severe Psychopathology References

Psychoanalytically-Oriented Research References

Psychoanalytic-Friendly Under-Graduate Texts

Psychoanalytical Texts Graduate

Psychoanalytical Case Studies